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What to Bring to Your Elder Law Consultation 

Preparing for your consultation with an elder law lawyer can make you feel a little nervous. To make the most out of your appointment, you should ready your materials so that you are prepared to discuss them with the lawyer. As an elder law lawyer like the one at McCarthy Law, LLC can explain to you, you should bring any helpful records you have for the lawyer to review. Bring these items to your consultation so that the lawyer can have detailed information to better assess your case. 

Tax Documents 

If you have tax forms, you should show them to the lawyer. Bring forms such as property tax statements so that the lawyer can determine what taxes you have paid. You should not pass up on the opportunity to lower your state and federal taxes. You may be paying more taxes than you need to. An elder care lawyer can come up with strategies to help lower the taxes you owe so that you can preserve more of your wealth. 

Bank Account Statements 

Show a lawyer bank account statements such as checking, savings, and retirement accounts. They will need to understand what types of accounts you have so that they can determine ways to protect each of your various assets. The more information you can provide for them, the better. They can look for any issues as well that should be resolved. 

Income Statements 

In addition to bank account statements, you should present your income statements. The lawyer needs to know what kind of income streams you have to get a sense of the value of your assets. This not only includes your primary income, but any benefits you receive, from programs such as Medicare, Social Security Disability, or Veterans Affairs. 

Medical Records 

Present all of your medical documents so that the lawyer understands your medical needs and what your debts and expenses look like. This includes medical bills, advance directives, and estimates for future expenses like nursing homes.  


Lastly, have your questions ready. You can ask an elder law lawyer about anything pertaining to your case. If you need clarification about your legal rights or an elder law topic that you need more context on, they will be able to give you an in-depth explanation. 

Meet with an elder law lawyer like one at McCarthy Law, LLC to receive advice if you have an urgent legal matter. Schedule a consultation with a trusted lawyer now. 

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