Torrance Car Accident Lawyers

If someone has suffered a personal injury while on the premises of your company, then you may be liable for the damage. Not only will your company be at risk of a lawsuit, the personal injury may show negligence of your company, and give the company a bad reputation. Hiring a public relations firm will help you deal with any negative press that has resulted from the personal injury received at your company. Nobody wants to go through the stress of a lawsuit, especially one that questions the safety of your business. If somebody has received a personal injury at your company and you are worried about negative media or a possible lawsuit, it is advised to consult with an experienced public relations professional.

The goal of public relations is to maintain strong relationships between the company and the media, so neither you nor your employees will be caught off guard by any questions that may be asked by the press. PR firms and professionals will help you deal with any inquiries from the media and ensure that your company’s reputation will remain favorable. The cost of hiring a public relations firm will be far less than the expense of potential lost clients or damage expenses.

Possible Lawsuits and how a PR Representative Can Help

The person who received the personal injury on the company’s premises may end up talking to the media or press about the situation to receive sympathies from the public. This may be bad if he or she ends up taking the personal injury to court, since a civil suit may mean a trial by jury. A jury is chosen from the public, so if they sympathize with the person that received the personal injury, then the jury may be more likely to grant the plaintiff (person who was injured) damages awards. Even if a lawsuit proves that the company was not at fault for negligence that resulted in the personal injury, it may still be at risk of receiving a bad reputation for being dangerous. The media can run rampant with any story, despite a court ruling declaring the plaintiff liable for their own injury. A public relations firm, like a public relations agency in New York, NY at Goldman McCormick PR, will help assist you to make sure that your company cannot be slandered by any media outlets, and that the truth will be given to the public about the personal injury and the safety of the company premises in question.

Prepping for Questions and Preparing for Press

Public relations firms maintain relationships with the entirety of a business. This means that a PR professional will not only be knowledgeable of the situation at hand, but will inform any and all employees of what to do in the case of an interview. Employees that are caught off guard by questions of the company may not answer the way they should; everybody should be well-informed of what is going on with the personal injury, and how to appropriately respond to any inquiries of the circumstances. PR reps will also maintain relationships with the press, and may be able to write news articles that benefit the reputation of the company. Your company should not have to go through the stress of negative or unwanted media coverage alone, and hiring a PR firm will help you relay the truth of the situation to the public.

Hiring a Public Relations Firm or Professional

If a personal injury has occurred on your company’s premises, then you do not want to have to deal with the stress of bad media coverage while simultaneously dealing with a potential lawsuit. Hiring a public relations professional will assist you in making the right choices to avoid further harm to the reputation of your company. 

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