Torrance Car Accident Lawyers

If you were charged with a DUI, call a law firm to speak with a criminal defense lawyer. DUI charges should never be taken lightly because a conviction can have far reaching consequences. If someone was injured or killed while you were accused of DUI, you are at risk for a long prison term if convicted. It’s important to take your circumstances seriously and hire an experienced and respected criminal defense lawyer. Many law firms have a long history of successfully fighting for clients and getting their charges reduced or dropped.

Defending DUI charges requires a depth of knowledge about motor vehicle laws and the criminal justice system. When a driver is charged with DUI and has allegedly injured one or more people in an accident, their defensive strategy becomes even more complex because additional charges are likely, such as manslaughter or homicide. People who hire a criminal defense lawyer can be confident that every available resource will be dedicated to representing them. In cases where someone is accused of DUI and injuring someone, the circumstances must be carefully considered. Forensic experts may be necessary to determine the veracity of the charges.

DUI Accidents with Minor Injuries

A driver who is accused of causing an accident that involved their vehicle and another vehicle but no injuries resulted can benefit from hiring a criminal defense lawyer if they are at risk for being charged with reckless driving. If the accident was allegedly in conjunction with a DUI, they certainly can benefit from hiring a criminal defense lawyer. If the accident involves a DUI and another person was injured, even in a minor way, they will likely be charged with a DUI and they may be forced to reimburse the victim’s damages. Even if the driver has insurance, the resulting higher premiums as a result of filing a claim may be more costly than paying the victim’s costs directly. However, if they hire a criminal defense lawyer who can prove they were not at fault for the accident, and were not DUI, then they are less likely to have to pay anyone’s damages.

DUI Accidents with Major Injuries

Even if two vehicles are not traveling at high speed, a collision between the two can result in serious injuries among those involved. When one of the drivers is perceived to have been DUI, even if they did not cause the accident, they will likely be charged with a felony DUI. This is far more serious than a misdemeanor DUI. A felony DUI conviction usually results in fines of more than $1,000 and a sentence of up to five years in state prison. Additional years will be assessed in direct proportion to how many people were injured because of the DUI driver, and will reflect the seriousness of each injury.

DUI Accidents with a Fatality

If someone dies as a result of a DUI accident, the DUI driver will likely be charged with Vehicular Manslaughter While Intoxicated. At the very least, someone convicted of this crime will spend from one to six years in state prison.

Consult an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer Immediately

Provide yourself with the best chance of not getting convicted for a DUI charge that is aggravated due to injuries caused by hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer.

Thanks to Rispoli & Borneo P.C.‘s Michael C. Borneo, an experienced New Jersey drunk driving lawyer, for his insight.

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