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Workers compensation lawyers

Many individuals worry they won’t be able to find or be seen by a doctor they trust after being injured at work. Can you be seen by your current provider? Who chooses the medical professionals that will treat you for workplace injuries? Keep in mind there are a lot of providers out there, and even if you can’t be seen by your current provider, there’s more than likely still someone you can trust.

State Guidelines

Every state has its own rules and regulations regarding which doctors you can see while receiving workers’ compensation benefits. Some allow you to keep your current doctor. Others allow you to see your current doctor for the initial appointment, but require you choose someone from a selection the state provides. Some states allow chiropractors and other specialists, but others do not. It’s important you speak with a workers’ compensation lawyer to understand the laws in your state.

Provider Network

In most cases, you will be given access to a network system that contains information on a wide variety of providers. These providers are required to show certain competencies before being admitted to the system. Because of the competencies required, you can relax in knowing you’re selecting a provider from a list of qualified and trustworthy professionals.

Choosing the Provider

After you understand your state’s rules regarding workers’ compensation benefits and which providers you are allowed to see, choose one the same way you would otherwise. Ask for recommendations, read online reviews and visit the office to get a feel for how that specific doctor practices. It’s also possible your current doctor is in the network, so be sure to check into that as well. It’s important your physician is authorized to care for the industrial conditions you are involved in. Without that authorization, you may not receive compensation for benefits and will end up paying medical bills out of your own pocket.

Changing Providers

If, during the time you are being treated, you don’t feel you are receiving adequate care, most states allow you to change providers a certain amount of times. It’s important you check with the workers’ compensation insurance carrier to select a new, authorized provider, but be sure your new doctor completes the documents necessary for the change in care.

Contacting a Lawyer

To receive help in choosing a provider to treat you following a workplace injury, contact Glendale workers compensation lawyers today. You want to be sure your doctor is qualified and authorized to provide these benefits, so make sure you go through the necessary steps to confirm that.

Thanks to Hickey & Turim, SC for their insight into workers compensation claims and choosing a doctor.

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